TAI, 23, checks into a private Tel Aviv hospital for the final leg of his gender reassignment journey where he will complete his transition from female to male, undergoing ‘top surgery’ under the care of DR. WOLF who will be removing his breasts – a milestone moment for Tai that will help him feel also physically male.

It’s been three months from the moment Tai first started his hormone injections and his arrival in the operating theatre. Thanks to these injections, both Tai’s voice and body have been changing.

This is Tai’s first time in the operating theatre and along with all the nerves and fear is also great hope and a tremendous desire to see this transition through.

During the procedure, Dr. Wolf – a board certified plastic surgeon – will be removing Tai’s two breasts. Dr. Wolf is renowned for his speciality in these types of surgical procedures. Every year, countless young women show up at his office, eager to complete their transition and make their gender reassignment truly wholesome and complete.

Tai’s mother is fully supportive of her child’s transition and is waiting for them outside the operating theatre where she is getting ready to meet her daughter who is about to re-emerge as her son, for the very first time (the tattoo includes the word “includes”).

In the aftermath of the procedure, every memory comes with that much more acceptance. Tai looking at photos from his past (shown in the left hand side image).

Several weeks after the operation and Tai is back at Dr. Wolf’s clinic for a check-up and some follow up tests.

Dr. Wolf is draining some residual fluid from the chest area, but not even the pain seems to get in the way of Tai’s tremendous joy and relief over his big change.

During the procedure, as he was removing the breast tissue, Dr. Wolf reattached the areola separately to Tai’s new chest, in order to give it a more natural-looking appearance.

It’s been six months since the operation and Tai is no longer addressed in the feminine by anyone. There is no need for him to hide anything ever again. Tai is on top of the world, finally feeling like the man he’s always known he was.